Friday, 23 September 2011

Customer Bill to Revenue Account to SLA COGS Accounting in R12.1.3 Cost Management

Customer Bill to Revenue Account to SLA COGS Accounting in R12.1.3 Cost Management

Aim:  To derive the management segment and intercompany values from the revenue account on the bill-to customer site for COGS


·         1.To define PL/SQL function to derive the revenue account cost centre value from a Sales Order
·         2.To create an SLA custom source and link it to the PL/SQL function
·         3.To link an assigned source to the custom function (input variable for the PL/SQL function)
·         4.Create ADR using custom source

Custom Sources
For Management segment:
For Intercompany:

1.       The Transaction_ID seeded source is linked in the custom source PL/SQL (see appendix) to the Sales Order then the customer and then bill-to site of that customer.

Account Derivation Rules
For management segment:

For intercompany:

The condition added to each of the above account derivation rules is needed to constrain the application of this account derivation rule only to an event type of ‘COGS_RECOGNITION’.